10 Signs You’re More Than Just Friends

Are you and your crush more than friends? Do you need relationship advice on how to tell if someone likes you? Are you really just ‘friends’ or do you think there’s something more to it? It’s easy to confuse a…

8 Signs You Are A Deep Thinker

A deep thinker is often quiet and reserved, but open-minded, eloquent, passionate, and incredibly bright. Misunderstood by most people, deep thinkers are more than just reclusive introverts. Their minds are a maze of unmapped ideas. Deep thinkers are fascinated by…

8 Things That Makes Introverts Incredibly Attractive

Do you know of any introverts around you? Or do you identify as an introvert yourself? Like every personality type, introverts possess qualities that add to their attractiveness. Introverts can seem incredibly shy and socially awkward at first, but there…

5 Differences Between GAD and Anxiety

Anxiety, in general, is our normal reaction to stress. A healthy amount of anxiety motivates you to accomplish your goals. Generalized anxiety disorder or GAD, on the other hand, is a full-fledged anxiety disorder that involves intense and excessive anxiety…

8 Things That Make a Highly Sensitive Person Hard To Love

Have you ever wondered if you’re a Highly Sensitive Person, also known as HSP? Most HSPs don’t even know that they’re HSPs, while others can't really comprehend what it means to be a Highly Sensitive Person. They are often misunderstood…

8 Warning Signs You’re Dealing with an Evil Person

Are you wondering if you're dealing with bad people? Here are some questions you might be wondering: What are the evil person signs? What makes a person evil? Are people born evil? What are the traits of an evil personality?…

6 Signs of Stress You Shouldn’t Ignore

We wish everyone safe and healthy during the outbreak of COVID-19. Stay strong and safe at this time! Have you been neglecting your mental health due to the news regarding the COVID-19 outbreak? This stress may take a toll on…

5 Beliefs That Will Ruin Your Friendships & Relationships

Are you wondering how to make friends? If you have no friends and you're wondering why, this video may give you some insights. Friendships, like any type of relationship, start with self-love. Do you agree? In the different phases of…

7 Common Fears Not Phobias!

What are the common things we tend to fear the most? Are they tangible objects like blood, snakes or spiders? Or something less tangible? You would think the transition from childhood into adulthood would make all fears disappear. But, even…