8 Things That Can Stress You Out Without You Knowing

Stress is a natural reaction to what could be challenges or threats. When this happens, your adrenal glands respond to stress by releasing hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. But feeling stress for a prolonged period of time can lead to…

7 Signs You Have Toxic Parents – Part 1

Toxic parents can be damaging to your mental health. Are you stuck with your parents during the lockdown, and wondering if they are toxic? Have they been putting even more stress onto you and you can't getaway? Being in the…

6 Signs of Stress You Shouldn’t Ignore

We wish everyone safe and healthy during the outbreak of COVID-19. Stay strong and safe at this time! Have you been neglecting your mental health due to the news regarding the COVID-19 outbreak? This stress may take a toll on…

7 Common Fears Not Phobias!

What are the common things we tend to fear the most? Are they tangible objects like blood, snakes or spiders? Or something less tangible? You would think the transition from childhood into adulthood would make all fears disappear. But, even…