The Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw is quoted as saying: Lack of money is the root of all evil.

Shaw’s twist on the ancient proverb “money is the root of all evil” highlights the fact that, like it or not, it’s hard to get by without any of the green stuff.

While it’s also been said that money can’t buy you happiness, it can certainly make your life a lot less stressful.

And with hypnotherapy for financial abundance, you’ll have all the tools you need to create the abundance mindset that will help to bring wealth into your life.

Studies show that when you have enough money to live comfortably, you feel better about yourself and are less prone to mental health issues.

So, in some ways, financial success is linked to a happier life, by providing security and making it possible for you to take some of the strain away.

But what exactly is an abundance mindset – and is it something that you can develop?

Research indicates that the richest 1% own more than half of the world’s wealth. But should that stop you from pursuing your financial targets?

Some people are born into rich families, it’s true, but there are plenty of others who have created their wealth out of nothing.

How did they do it?

The truth is that it all boils down to the way you think about money. If you want to be rich but never seem to make any progress in that direction, you have to ask yourself: what’s holding you back?

There are certain so-called money blocks that are probably getting in the way and making it difficult for you to move ahead.

Hypnotherapy for financial abundance is not necessarily going to make you a millionaire overnight.

But what it will do is help you to relax, get rid of stress, remove those negative thoughts and emotions and set you on the path to prosperity.

What’s Stopping You From Enjoying Greater Financial Success

According to the folks at, there are 5 major reasons why you may not have the kind of financial success you feel you deserve. The good news, however, is that you have the ability to change all of these reasons and go after your money goals with all the gusto you can muster.

Here are the 5 main obstacles that might be holding you back:

1. Your mindset

In other words, your limited belief. If you don’t believe you can be rich, you won’t be.  A glass that’s half full and one that’s half empty are exactly the same. The only difference is in how you see it.

Hypnotherapy is able to help you change your mindset so that instead of focusing on what you don’t have you begin to focus on what you can have. It will give you the keys to changing your attitude about money so that you feel confident about your ability to acquire it.

2. Your habits

How you deal with the money you have can play a vital part in your financial development. That includes spending more than you can afford to spend, failing to save any money, borrowing money and giving in to impulse buying.

Fortunately, hypnotherapy is renowned for helping people break bad habits and install newer and healthier ones. There are various techniques that will help you take control of your spending and develop the laser-like focus you need to realize your financial dreams.

3. Your self-belief

In order to be a financial success, you have to believe in your ability to achieve it. While there are tools and tips that can help point you in the right direction, you have to have the confidence to know you will reach your goals.

Hypnotherapy targets your unconscious mind where it’s possible to implant suggestions regarding amassing wealth. Once those suggestions are locked in, your unconscious goes to work helping you find opportunities that will lead you to greater financial rewards.

4. Your self-control

Creating wealth depends on being focused on that goal almost to the exclusion of everything else. People being people, however, there are always going to be urges and desires tugging at you, trying to lead you off your chosen path.

As Oscar Wilde once said: I can resist anything but temptation. Keeping your eye on the prize can be difficult at first but will lead to greater satisfaction when the monetary rewards you desire start coming your way.

5. Your ability to stay focused

When you’re trying to change the way you think about money and getting rid of unhelpful habits, it’s easy to get distracted. It’s hard to resist spending money on useless and wasteful things like snacks and treats, especially if you’ve been doing that for any length of time.

Hypnotherapy will give you the strength you need to zoom in on what you want to achieve. It will help you recognize when distractions arise and supply you with coping mechanisms to keep them at bay, meaning you’ll be able to take more control of your finances in particular and of your life in general.

The Connection Between Mindset, Beliefs & Financial Success

Where money is concerned, mindset refers to your beliefs, your attitude and how you feel generally about money. These things will determine whether or not you enjoy financial success.

For instance, you might believe deep down that you don’t deserve to be rich. If that’s the case, you probably won’t look out for opportunities to increase your wealth.

Likewise, you might feel that money is in some way bad or unethical, even though you realize it as being a necessity in the modern world. But if that’s how you feel, you won’t have the motivation you need to attract wealth to you.

People who believe that money is hard to come by might be more inclined to save and less likely to take risks, while those who think there’s plenty of money to go around might be more willing to spend money to make more money.

As this article points out, beliefs about money are often deeply ingrained in your brain. They can be passed down from one generation to the next or learned from your parents and other authority figures as you’re growing up.

The important thing to remember about this is that your mindset can be changed. The more positive your attitude is about money, the more probable it is that you’ll reap financial rewards.

So the obvious question is: how can you develop a healthy, positive mindset about money?

Here are some tips on how to go about it:

Identify your limiting beliefs – what are your beliefs where money is concerned? Take a good look at them, write them down and think about which ones are holding you back.

Change your limiting beliefs – once you’ve identified which beliefs are holding you back, take steps to change them. Turn negatives into positives so that you become a cup-half-full person instead of a cup-half-empty one.

Be grateful – gratitude is a major part of a healthy money mindset. That applies to being grateful for what you have but also to being grateful for the opportunity to acquire even more.

Identify your financial goals – set financial goals that are challenging but realistic and then devise a plan for how you’re going to achieve them. For instance, saving $100 a month will give you $1200 extra cash in a year’s time. You might achieve that by spending $25 less each week on eating out.

Learn more about money management – find out some of the best ways to accumulate more wealth by reading books and researching online. The more you know about making money, the easier it will be for you to do that.

These are all practical ideas that you can put to use immediately. However, many people find changing those limiting beliefs to be quite a challenge, which is where hypnotherapy comes in.

Using Hypnotherapy To Reprogram Limiting Beliefs & Create An Abundance Mindset

As mentioned earlier, hypnotherapy can be used to reprogram the way you think about money. That gives you the opportunity to change your limiting beliefs from the inside out.

Remember that your beliefs are lodged in your unconscious where they’ve developed over many years. Every financial decision you’ve ever taken has been made as a result of those beliefs.

Research indicates that people with a positive outlook about money generally make better financial decisions. They also seem to have higher income levels and are able to bounce back more quickly from any financial setbacks.

Hypnotherapy helps change limiting beliefs by getting at the root of the problem. Some of the techniques used to do this include:

Reframing – this refers to changing your perspective or the way you see money. Everything appears a certain way because of how you perceive it. If you can change your perception then you can change your belief. So instead of believing that money is the root of all evil, you might start to think that money has the power to improve the lives of others.

Boosting confidence – this can be done using positive affirmations and also through revivification, taking you back to a time when you were confident about money and bringing that confidence and the feelings associated with it forward into the present and future.

Removing self-sabotaging behaviors – things like overspending, borrowing too much and failing to budget can lead to financial hot water. Hypnotherapy can help to reprogram your unconscious mind with suggestions that address the underlying triggers which lead to those unhelpful behaviors, making it easier for you to make constructive financial choices.

Reducing stress and anxiety – hypnotherapy will provide you with deep relaxation so that you can think clearly about your financial goals. That means it will be easier for you to make those important financial decisions when you’re feeling calm and better able to focus.

The Power Of Hypnotherapy To Transform Your Relationship With Money

It’s been shown that people who underwent hypnotherapy specifically to increase their abundance witnessed an increase in their income of 42% during a six-month period.

Other research highlights the fact that people who undergo hypnosis generally achieve greater financial success than those who do not undergo hypnosis.

The reason for this is down to the way hypnosis works. Hypnotherapy is simply the use of hypnosis in a clinical setting, or hypnosis being used as a therapeutic tool.

Hypnosis helps you relax, switches off the conscious mind and stimulates the unconscious mind, making it possible for you to accept suggestions and to reprogram your thinking.

Using techniques such as affirmations, visualizations and guided imagery, your hypnotherapist will help you boost your confidence with handling money and increase your belief in your ability to attract wealth and abundance.

You’ll begin to understand that there’s plenty of money to go around and that you deserve it as much as anyone else. Your “money mindset” will change and you’ll start to look out for opportunities to create wealth and to enjoy greater prosperity.

And when your thinking changes, your habits will follow, so that you’ll find yourself saving money, investing wisely and making the kind of prudent financial decisions that are guaranteed to bring abundance your way.


Hypnotherapy for financial abundance can help you develop a mindset that will attract wealth and prosperity to you.

Even though money can’t buy you happiness, financial success makes life a little bit easier, providing security while reducing stress and anxiety.

The secret is that the way you think about money could prevent you from taking advantage of its benefits. You need to examine:

  • Your money mindset
  • Your financial habits
  • Your self-belief
  • Your self-control
  • Your ability to stay focused

Changing your money mindset involves recognizing your limiting beliefs about money and changing them. It involves identifying your financial goals and learning how to manage your money more efficiently.

Hypnotherapy can help you change your perspective, the way you view money, through techniques such as reframing, affirmations, guided visualization and revivification.

Your hypnotherapist can help you reprogram your mind so that instead of seeing money as a negative and destructive force you see it as a means to do some good in the world.

Instead of focusing on what you don’t have you’ll be able to start focusing on what you can have.

You can also identify any triggers that lead to bad habits with money such as overspending or failing to budget properly.

At the same time you can boost your confidence in your money-handling abilities and set realistic financial goals that give you something to aim for.

The post Hypnotherapy For Financial Abundance Mindset This 2024 And Beyond appeared first on Hypnosis Training Academy.

Source: Hypnosis Training Academy