Every good hypnotist knows it’s the secret to having a successful hypnosis session…

… That in order to guide others into a deep hypnotic trance state, you need to activate that state within yourself first.

Why is this so important?

Simply put: your emotions and energy impact the people around you in an undeniable way.

And in this video and hypnosis demo, master hypnotist Igor Ledochowski shares a new way of looking at H+ and why it’s essential for hypnotists to create a positive internal state before working with others.

Check out this hypnosis training video and demo to discover:

  • The difference between an “energy vampire” and a “charismatic”
  • How to become a “hypnotic battery” so you have a stronger hypnotic impact on those around you
  • The fascinating reason why a trance ritual is called an induction (this might surprise you!)
  • A demonstration of the “hypnotic battery” induction and the positive impact it has on your ability to induce trance in others

And lots more!

To access this month’s exciting training,
log into your HypnoLab Members Area.

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The post [DEMO] How To Charge Your “Hypnotic Batteries” – Part 1: Igor’s Fresh Approach To Activating Your Hypnotic Trance State (H+) appeared first on Hypnosis Training Academy.

Source: Hypnosis Training Academy